1.CSR visionShinwa (China) Industries Ltd. upholds the enterprise concept of "trust-based, harmony-based, customer-oriented", and fully takes into account the focus of stakeholders, namely shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, business partners, local society and other relevant organizations in its business decision-making. To customers, we should adhere to win-win cooperation and common growth; to shareholders, we should adhere to a high degree of responsibility and long-term returns. For employees: insist on learning and training, self-achievement; for society: insist on environmental protection and responsibility. Shinwa will strive to develop Shinwa's business, promote CSR activities and promote sustainable economic, social and environmental development on the basis of abiding by the above contents.
2.CSR missionConstruct excellent CSR management system, moral management, promote a harmonious business environment, ensure the sustainable development of the company, return customers, society and employees.
3.CSR strategy(1) Fair operation(2) Environmental protection(3) Care for Employees: Labor Rights, Safety and Health(4) Feedback to the Society(5) Extending Supply Chain
4. Guidelines for CSR Activities(1) Quality Activities to Improve Customer Satisfaction --- Attaching Importance to CustomersShinwa Company regards customers as God and constantly improves customer satisfaction from the perspective of customers. To this end, through various continuous improvement activities, Shinwa Company continuously improves product quality and safety indicators, strives to provide products and services beyond customer expectations or needs, so that customers can use assured and satisfactory products.(2) Establishing Trust Relations with Shareholders and Investors --- Emphasizing Shareholders and InvestorsBy improving the transparency of operation, fulfilling the responsibility of explaining important matters of the company, and publishing enterprise information promptly, accurately and fairly, Shinwa Company has gained the understanding of shareholders and investors on the enterprise value of Shinwa Company.(3) Enhancing the Ability of Every Employee - Emphasizing Employees in EnterprisesEvery employee of Shinwa Company undertakes the task of achieving customer progress and innovation, and is a very important participant. The company hopes and strives to train every employee to be able to maximize their own strength. To this end, the company stipulates that all activities of enterprises must respect human rights, prohibit the employment of child labor or compulsory labor, respect the personality of each employee, and provide employees with a dynamic working environment that can give full play to their abilities.(4) Contributing to the protection of the Earth's environmentAs early as 1999, Shinwa Company has formulated the "environmental policy". In order to truly implement the environmental protection policy, first of all, reduce the possible burden and risk to the environment, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and establish the business objective of achieving sustainable development in its own business. At the same time, by providing products and services, we can minimize the load that customers and society as a whole may generate on the environment and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. Then, through the implementation and implementation of the above two measures, we can make contributions to the establishment of a sustainable development society.(5) Integrating Shinwa's social responsibility into its business activities, starting from being a good corporate citizen, to contribute to the social development of the region.
Regarding the area where the enterprise is located as an important investor, and contributing their best efforts to solve the environmental problems in the region. As an excellent corporate citizen, Shinwa Company is working hard to create a harmonious society.Providing high-quality products and services to customers through good business activities and contributing to economic development and social prosperity is in itself the best manifestation of the company's social responsibility. Shinwa (China) Industries Ltd. 2010.08.15

Disclosure of Information on Environmental Prevention and Control of Hazardous Waste Pollution:
Disclosure of Information on Environmental Prevention and Control of General Industrial Solid Waste Pollution: